Actively Managed Funds vs Passively Managed Funds

Comparison: Actively Managed Funds vs Passively Managed Funds

Howdy Wall St. Willy! Sometime ago we talked about Actively Managed Funds and Passively Managed Funds. But can you tell me some of the differences between them? The main difference between actively managed funds and passively managed funds is their investment philosophy. Which means that the actively managed funds believe that getting returns better than …

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Actively Managed Funds vs Passively Managed Funds
What is Diversification

What is Diversification? A Definitive Guide for Kids, Teens & Beginners

Introduction to Diversification for Kids and Teens This video explains the concept of diversification in a simple, concise way for kids and beginners. It could be used by kids & teens to learn about diversifying investments, or used as a money & personal finance resource by parents and teachers as part of a Financial Literacy …

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What is Diversification
Money Order

What is a Money Order?

Howdy Wall St. Willy! Sometime ago I heard about a Money Order, but what is money order anyway? A money order is a payment ordered for a specific amount of money. Funds are prepaid to the issuer by the person buying the money order. Well, why do I need a money order? A seller may insist …

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Money Order
Sectors Industry and Diversification

What are Sectors? Industry vs Sector for Diversification

Howdy Wall St. Willy! When we talked about investing in stocks, you talked about diversifying among large cap, mid cap and small cap stocks. But, is there any other way of diversifying while investing in stocks? That’s a great question, Sooper Cooper! Another great way to diversify is to invest in different sectors. Sectors?? I …

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Sectors Industry and Diversification
Portfolio Rebalancing

What is Portfolio Rebalancing?

Howdy Wall St. Willy! Sometime ago, we talked about asset classes, and when we talked about that, you said something about portfolio rebalancing. But what is portfolio rebalancing anyway? Portfolio rebalancing (or portfolio re-balancing) is buying and selling securities from different asset classes to maintain the asset allocation that’s right for you. Well, when should …

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Portfolio Rebalancing