401k Account

401k Account: A Comprehensive Explanation for Kids, Teens and Beginners

Part 1: What is a 401k Account, Contribution Limits, Advantages and Disadvantages Part 2: 401k Account Employer Match / Contribution and Vesting Schedule Introduction to 401k Account for Kids and Teens This video explains the concept of a 401k Account in a simple, concise way for kids and beginners. It could be used by kids …

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401k Account
Actively Managed Funds vs Passively Managed Funds

Comparison: Actively Managed Funds vs Passively Managed Funds

Howdy Wall St. Willy! Sometime ago we talked about Actively Managed Funds and Passively Managed Funds. But can you tell me some of the differences between them? The main difference between actively managed funds and passively managed funds is their investment philosophy. Which means that the actively managed funds believe that getting returns better than …

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Actively Managed Funds vs Passively Managed Funds
Actively Managed Funds

What are Actively Managed Funds or Actively Managed Mutual Fund / MF?

Howdy Wall St. Willy! In an ad on TV, I heard about an Actively Managed Fund. But what is an actively managed fund anyway? Actively managed funds are Mutual Funds in which the investment is made by a fund manager based on their judgement after looking closely at the investment options and performing a detailed …

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Actively Managed Funds
What is Real Estate Investing

What is Real Estate & Real Estate Investing? A Simple Explanation for Kids & Beginners

Introduction to Real Estate Investing for Kids and Teens This video explains the concept of real estate investing in a simple, concise way for kids and beginners. It could be used by kids & teens to learn about property / real estate investment, or used as a money & personal finance resource by parents and …

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What is Real Estate Investing